The very first steps to starting any interior office build out include creating a detailed plan and a sound budget. The trickiest part is making sure these two components align; otherwise you could have a big mess on your hands.
A thorough budget and an equally detailed plan make up the fundamental building blocks that determine the outcome of your project, as well as how many bumps you encounter along the way.
PCI provides superior interior office general contracting services that go above and beyond. We stop at nothing to keep your project moving smoothly and within budget.
How Much Does Average Interior Office Build Out Cost?
There is no single answer for this question. Instead, costs vary wildly depending on many factors. For instance, specialty build outs for medical offices are going to cost more than everyday office spaces. The types of finishes you select will fluctuate costs, as more high-end finishes are obviously going to cost more. You could always save money by using salvaged materials wherever possible. Some buildings legally require the use of union labor, which could cost as much as double.
Do you want to create a plain space or a more vibrant space with stand out design elements? Plain spaces always cost less than bright spaces. Known in the industry as “plan vanilla” build outs, all-beige buildings tend to come at a discount. If you want to add pops of color or any unique features, you’ll have to make room in your budget. If you plan it just right, these additional layers could add a special pizazz to the space that eventually pays for itself.
Other factors that will influence overall costs relate to the type of building you are outfitting. For the most part, new and completely empty buildings are going to cost more than second-generation buildings. This is because buildings with pre-existing fabrications give you some stuff to salvage and work with, while brand new buildings require brand new everything.
How To Create A Reliable Office Build Out Budget
It is so important to know all costs before moving forward. Otherwise, you’re at risk for going way over budget and fast. Consulting with a general contractor will help ensure your estimates are on the same page as reality.
One way to start figuring out costs vs. actual budget:
- Write down a number you feel comfortable spending.
- Now, start writing down everything you want the office build out to include, don’t forget plumbing or electrical work, or even the cost of paint cans. Seriously, write down every last material. There’s also furniture and other interior design elements to consider as well. Once you come up with a detailed plan for your vision, a team of architects and engineers work to turn ideas into feasible blueprints. These blueprints are key to estimating real costs.
- Your next task is to find out how much all of these different elements cost. One vendor may offer the same services for more money than an equally qualified vendor, which is why plenty of hands-on research comes in handy. Hiring a general contractor takes care of this tedious process for you, as we already have countless connections with the leading contractors in the industry.
- Once you’ve got estimates for every last thing you need, add up the numbers and include 10-15% extra for unexpected costs.
What does your total look like in comparison to your original budget? If you’re way above what you want to spend, start making cuts wherever possible. An experienced general contractor from PCI can advise the best places to make cuts, as well as the most affordable way to go about certain endeavors. As a result, you actually get more for your money.
How To Create Detailed Plans For Interior Office Build Out
Once you know everything you’re going to put into the build out as well as how much you are going to spend, your plan is nearly complete. Now comes time for the tedious details, namely how and on what time line all of these steps will be accomplished.
Your game plan may naturally change throughout the process, which is why your detailed plan is a constant work of art. A representative of all contractors working on the project should meet weekly to discuss progress, as well as any hold ups or budget constraints.
Weekly meetings should include pictures of progress, detailed itemization of costs, and department inspection results. These meetings then dictate the plan of action you create for the following week. A general contractor is the ideal entity to organize and conduct these meetings.
When you entrust the proven experience of PCI as your general contractor, you are gaining more than just a helping hand. We are experts when it comes to creating affordable, valuable and successful interior office build outs. Contact us today to learn more!