Long wooden floor in commercial building

How To Find The Best Commercial Flooring For Your Office Interior Build Out

Wood, vinyl, tile, rubber flooring; your choices are endless when it comes to picking the perfect commercial flooring for your office interior build out. The million dollar question remains: how do you find the best commercial flooring for your office? The answer varies depending on a considerable amount of factors, including how much traffic your office gets, what sort of …

outline sketch of a interior pantry area

4 Things All Office Interior Build Out Projects Must Be Prepared To Face

Unexpected issues are sure to crop up during any interior office build out project, knowing of their potential before they arise is key to not letting anything set back deadlines or push you over budget. PCI is skilled and proven to provide superior general contractor services for interior office build out projects. Over the years we have learned exactly what …

budget calculation

Tips To Stay On Budget During Interior Build Out Project

The goal of any interior office build out project is to stay within budget, but of course that’s easier said than done. These tips will help keep your project from breaking the bank so that you can get in the green and start making money faster. 1. Create A Budget That Makes Sense You can come up with any random …

Bluprints 5

Why Commercial Interior Designers In Florida Require State Licensing

In Florida all Commercial Interior Designers must be licensed through the State in order to ensure your project is safe and efficient for public use. A Commercial Interior Designer is technically classified as a registered and licensed person in charge of tasks such as designing, consulting, drawing, creating specifications and administration of non-structural interior elements. There are interior designers that …