In short, the answer is yes, retail store design can increase sales. This is especially true when the layout and design are crafted for a unique and improved experience for your customers. The fact is you and your retail space only have one chance to make a great first impression and the design of your store is a big part of helping you do just that! As a store owner, you already realize the importance of quality products and exceptional service, but your store design is an equally crucial factor in increase your sales and enhance your opportunity for future success. Let’s explore the ways you can improve your retail store’s design and with it, your sales.
Your Target Customers
Knowing your target customers is key to designing your retail store. While there are no concrete rules for retail spaces, knowing your customers can help you plan a design which draws them into your store. For example, if you are selling fitness equipment and clothing, you’ll want a space with open space so your customers can have a hands-on experience with the equipment before they buy as well as comfortable, private dressing areas to try on your wares. If you’re selling toys, you’ll want a fun, kid-friendly space with everything in reach for kids and the adults(parents, grandparents, aunts, uncles, caregivers, etc.) who bring them to the store. Likewise, if you are in the jewelry business, you’ll want to showcase your products in pristine and premium fashion. Whatever your product, your store should welcome your target customers and provide an immersive and enjoyable experience with visuals, displays, and more.
Windows and Entryways
Windows and their displays are the first invitation to your customers to come inside. When planning your retail store design, consider including windows in which you can showcase your products as well as seasonal or special events. Once your windows capture the attention of customers, your entrance should be crafted to welcome them in and set the tone for the entire shopping experience. Your entrance layout should showcase your brand and image with color and creativity to deliver your welcome message to your guests.
The Theme
Every detail of your retail space should convey your brand, theme, and messaging clearly, to provide a positive customer experience. From colors to design, layout to lighting, each aspect of your retail store should appeal to your target audience. Your theme should be consistent with your branding and logo across the board from your brick and mortar space to your online presence.
The Overall Design
While every retail store design is unique there are some clear-cut design tips which provide a positive customer experience regardless of your products and services. Keeping your aisles as wide as possible and utilize the space you have to display your products in an easily accessible way makes the customer experience better. Signage and displays should be used effectively to guide customers with ease through your space to products, customer service, and check out registers. Highlight new products with specialized lighting and displays which are permanent, yet changeable. Choosing bright welcoming hues and finishes can help draw customers in and keep them shopping for longer periods of time. This is also true for well-planned HVAC systems, lighting, and more which keep customers comfortable and happy while inside your retail store.
Check out the Competition
It never hurts to check out the competition and see what design strategies and styles they are using successfully. Doing so can also give you valuable insight into strategies which aren’t working well, allowing you to adapt and optimize your design.
At Perillo Construction, our professional team can help you develop a retail store design and bring that design to life, helping you to improve your customer flow, increase sales, and grow successfully into a bright future.